Where is your Site ?
Our Site overlooks the The Solent and using the link to Google Maps can be found here
Our Address is Browndown Road, Gosport, Hants, PO13 9UG
Using the What3Words App : remainder.glorious.sinkhole
I'm new to your Site, what do I do when I arrive?
When you arrive whether on your own or part of a group, pick up a waiver from the box just inside the door, find a room to store your gear, fill the waiver form out clearly and fully, then head to the reception desk where your name will be ticked off the list and you'll receive a wristband.
What's your Site Age Limit?
Anyone can play providing that they are over the age of 14. Players between 14 and 16 must have a guardian playing on Site and have their consent form countersigned. Anyone between 16 and 18 years old can just have their consent form countersigned.
How much do your Events cost?
All events must now be paid in full when booking to avoid the handling of cash as much as possible on site as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We do have Card Readers available on Site.
Price per Saturday or Sunday open day will be £30.00
Price per Thursday Evening Games is £10.00. Booking is also required but events will be cancelled if less than 15 players have booked by 22:00 on the Wednesday evening prior to the event.
Rentals packages are £20.00 each and include full face protection and 3000 x 0.2g BB's. Packages must be paid in full and in advance, additional rental weapons above bookings will be on a first come first served basis.
Special events are priced individually depending on the packages offered.
How can I book?
Bookings must be made using the booking system which once complete will email a receipt. When Booking please use the name of the person ATTENDING not the person who is making the booking on your behalf. All names must be added to the form when booking for a group of players.
At the beginning of November, we no longer will issue refunds. You will, however, be allowed to defer your booking for up to one month
Its my first visit to your Site, can you explain your Site Rules?
Our full Site Rules can be found using the blue link below, please spend some time going over them before your visit, feel free to ask any questions.
Do you have any Covid Guidelines in place?
The safety of Players & Staff is paramount, We do have have hand sanitising available in the Safe Zone.
What are the timings for the day?
Our Saturday/Sunday Events (these are approximate & subject to change)
08:00 Gate Opens
08:20 Chrono Opens
09:20 Chrono Closes
09:25 Gate Closes
09:30 Safety Brief
09:50 Assemble for Team Banding
10:00 Games Begin – AM Session
1300 Lunch Break
14:00 Games Begin – PM Session
16:00 Day End
For Our Evening Events (these are approximate & subject to change)
18:00 Gates Open
18:10 Chrono Opens
18:45 Gates Close
18:55 Chrono Closes
19:00 Safety Brief
19:15 Games Start
22:15 Games End
Do I have to come as part of a group?
You can come as part of a group or on your own, either way you’ll be made welcome and everything will be explained to you.
How are the teams split?
Most games run with two teams, each being given objectives which they have to try and achieve. Marshals are provided to maintain fairness and safety and sometimes marshals will join the playing teams to offer backup or for specific event scenarios.
If you come with friends we’ll do our best to get you all on the same team, don't worry about being separated. Most players are friendly and inclusive, so if you want to come alone or in a small group you can be sure to find plenty of people to join when you're assigned to a team.
Special Event days may be subject to special team requirements, as with all our Special Event rules if you sign up for such an event you'll be notified of any special rules well before the event.
What does 'Walk On' mean?
A 'Walk On' player is one who has not booked but has brought everything they need to play, as opposed to a 'Hire' player who'll need to rent the equipment from us and who has not paid a deposit.
We currently don't do Walk-ons at this time, its book only via the website.
What do I get in the Hire package?
Our Hire package of £20.00 (£10 on Evening Games) consists of a gun bag containing
Primary weapon ( G&G Firehawk or shotgun )
1 mags ( additional mags may be available on request )
Face Mask ( Full Face required if under 18 )
1100 x 0.2g BB’s
Players who have rentals packages will briefed together on the basics of the equipment they have been given and brief points on our rules.
Smoke grenades and Mk 5's are available for an additional fee (over 18's only). You'll be given instruction on how to safely use the weapons and all safety instructions will be fully explained.
Why do I need to fill out a consent or waiver form every time I visit?
This is for insurance purposes, our policy dictates the need to do this, you can download a consent/waiver form using the blue link below if you wish to fill it out prior to arrival, this will speed up your signing in process considerably.
Is food available?
Reasonably priced snacks and soft drinks will be available all day. We also provide free tea, coffee and bottled water
We do have a number of fast food outlets close to the Site, please ask the marshals for postcodes to these outlets for your SatNav.
Can I bring my own BB's?
If you're bringing your own equipment then yes, you can bring your own BB's. However, if you're renting equipment from us, then only BB's bought at our site can be used. This is due to quality assurance and compatibility.
Do you sell consumables at your Site?
We have an onsite shop selling a range of BB weights, Green Gas and pyro. These can be pre-ordered when booking if required.
All ammo and supplies are subject to availability, Game fees will not be refunded if when you arrive on the day and ammo is not available.
Players under the age of 18 are not allowed to purchase or use pyrotechnic devices at our site
You may bring your own pyrotechnics to be used on-site however there are a few additional restrictions that must be met. They must be from approved manufacturers ( TLSFX / Enola Gaye and Cloud 9 Combat ) any pyro from other manufacturers should be shown to staff and a decision will be made on an individual basis.
Any “bangs” such as thunder-flashes, must be of MK5 or below. Anything louder than this is not allowed on Site.
Any smoke grenades must not be in RED, ORANGE, PINK or YELLOW due to our proximity to the coast.
A price list of most of our consumables can be found here.
What happens if my gun breaks?
Many players bring spare guns, and South Coast CQB has a number of rental weapons that can be hired or in some cases lent out if your weapon fails during play ( subject to availability ). It's advised where possible you will have at least one spare weapon with you; even if this is only a pistol.
What happens if it rains?
You'll get wet. Use common sense; bring a towel or change of clothes if you think you'll need it.
Can I take photos?
Off course you can. Please note though; South Coast CQB is not responsible for loss or damage to any equipment you choose to use. People taking photographs or just observing are required to wear a high visibility vests in additional to the ballistic rated glasses all players must wear when in the game zone. The number of individuals allowed in to the game zone will be at the discretion of the senior marshal. Please be aware that if you take photographs of of anyone under 18 you will require their permission
Do you have Chrono limits on site?
Yes, all weapons brought to site need to pass our chronograph in the morning to be used onsite that day. Please ensure you test all weapons at the beginning of the day. You must to bring to Chrono ALL equipment you either intend to use or have in reserve
Weapons are capped at the following limits (checked with your own bb's):
AEG's, Shotguns & Pistols: 350 fps
Bolt-action sniper rifles: 500 fps
Pistols with Co2 will need to be chrono'ed
we do not allow DMR rifles on site, sniper rifles must be single bolt-action weapons. Minimum engagement distances are set for sniper rifles at 25m.
We recommend when using a snipers rifle you carry a backup weapon for when players are inside the minimum engagement distance.
Do you allow equipment with Binary Triggers?
No, we are semi auto site and binary triggers are currently a grey area
Can I bring my own gun?
Yes. You can bring your own guns to skirmish with however they must pass our chronograph on that particular day in order to be used.
Do you have the facilities for HPA refills?
Not currently
Can I use a 'Two Tone' rifle or pistol?
We allow the use of “Two Tones” on Site.
What clothing would you recommend?
We don't have any rules regarding clothing. but we are a CQB Site, so therefore we would "encourage" long sleeved tops, jeans or trousers with knee pads and also suitable footwear with ankle support.
What protection do I need?
At the bare minimum appropriate ballistic rated eye protection for over 18's and full face offering the same level of protection for under 18's.
Can I drink Alcohol on Site?
Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed on the site. Drugs and alcohol are also not permitted on site. If you are found to be consuming alcohol/drugs whilst on Site, you will be asked to leave with an indefinite ban.
What kind of games can I expect and do you have breaks in between?
We play a range of differently timed games which differ from week to week. We do have short breaks, but this is for reloading, rehydrating and toilet breaks. We suggest you bring what need you need
What's happens if I'm late?
If players don’t arrive before Gates close at 925am, you will miss the first game