With new scenarios, more events and cheaper prices, Southcoast CQB is fast becoming the most popular CQB site on the south coast.
Check out all the different ways and events we have on offer, don't forget, if you are new to Airsoft we have rental packages available from just £20.00.
If you still cant find the answer to your questions, just get in touch using the "Contact us" tab at the top of any page.
Scroll down the page to see our list of event types or simply click on one of the quick jump arrows to see details of that event.

£30.00 - Pre booking only.
Gates open at 08:00
Games starts @ 10:00
Lunch @ 12:30
Games start @ 13:20
Games finish @ 15:30
These times are a guide and are not a guarantee to time or number of games.
Factors including player numbers, movements and punctually of players on the day will all have knock on affects, please ensure you arrive on time and follow instructions from the marshals on the day to ensure we can give you the most amount of game time possible.

£15.00 Pre booking only.
Gates open @ 18:00
Chrono opens @ 18:15
Safety brief @ 19:00
Game on @ 19:15
Night ends @ 22:15
Much the same as the open day events, the evening games will contain 3 x 40 minute games with a mixture of scenario types based on number and level of light.
!!! Please Note !!!
Events may be cancelled under certain circumstances
Details of cancelled events will be updated on Facebook,
please ensure you check prior to leaving

Although we will always try to avoid cancelling events, on occasions we may have to.
We will try to do all we can to let you know in advance of cancelled events, this may be due to adverse weather conditions, insufficient bookings or any other unforeseen circumstance.
Should this ever happen we will contact each of you individually to see if you would rather your booking be deferred to another date or would rather a refund.
We are unable to cover any costs occurred as a result of a cancellation.